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Bank Directors Sued

Oklahoman November 7, 1985

A man whose stock in Oklahoma National Bank and Trust Co. was declared worthless in 1982 filed a lawsuit Wednesday against 16 people who were directors of the bank in 1982.

Charles E. Jones claims in his suit, filed in Oklahoma County district court, that his 220 1/2 shares of stock were declared worthless when he tried to redeem them on Nov. 8, 1982.

He is seeking damages of $239,198.

Jones' suit says the directors breached an "implied contract of good faith and due diligence."

The stock was a private placement opportunity, the suit says.

Oklahoma National Bank and Trust Company (FDIC # 4168)
Inactive as of July 14, 1986
2701 South Harvey
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Oklahoma County

Established:," January 01, 1929"
FDIC Certificate #:,4168
Insured:," January 01, 1934"
Bank Charter Class:,"National Bank"

"Oklahoma National Bank and Trust Company is no longer doing business under that name because it has been merged or acquired without government assistance. See the successor institution Bank of America, National Association (FDIC #: 3510)"
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